Inspection of Timber Structures Using Resistance Drills
Collins Speaker Series
This presentation will discuss resistance drill technology and how it can be used on timber structures to perform condition assessments. Topics covered include both above water and underwater capabilities, best practices performing these types of inspections, improvements over traditional timber inspection methods, and examples of results obtained using this technology. An open question and answer session will follow the presentation.
Jordan Furlan is a professional engineer with over 13 years of experience working on specialized above and below water structural integrity assessments. He has performed thousands of structural inspections using various non-destructive testing methods and commercial diving techniques. His capabilities are supplemented by being an ADCI Commercial Air Diving Supervisor, NDT Level II certified in UT/MT, and a FAA Drone Pilot. He currently serves as the Acting Regional Manager of Collins Engineers, Inc. Boise, ID Office.
Ryan Hafer is a professional engineer and has managed and performed structural inspection projects across the country including rope access climbing and underwater inspections. His capabilities are supplemented by being a Certified Welding Inspector, NDT Level II certified in UT/MT, and SPRAT Level I. As a Senior Team Leader in Collins Engineers, Inc. Denver, CO Office, he manages projects and leads inspection teams providing in-depth and routine condition assessments of waterfront structures, refinery facilities, bridges and many other structure types requiring inspection.