MassDOT Municipal Small Bridge Program
Since the Small Bridge program launched in 2017, Collins has assisted several municipalities in securing grants for the program that provides funding to municipalities for bridge replacement, preservation, and rehabilitation.
Collins helped municipalities from start to finish, which included preparing a formal application to MassDOT with relevant information such as project type, applicability, and financial need. Collins helped the towns of Blandford and Warwick secure grant funding for important bridge projects and provided full design services for two superstructure replacements in Blandford. This included coordination with MassDOT, development of plans, specifications, estimates, and construction phase services as well as a successful Chapter 85 review.
The updated program includes one application round per fiscal year for both Phase 1 (design) grants up to $100,000 and Phase 2 (construction) grants up to $500,000. Application Deadline: April 1, 2022
Collins is prequalified with MassDOT for Basic Bridge Design/Rating which is required for completing design work under the Phase 1 grants.