Project Overview
Collins was selected to provide waterfront inspection and design services for EYA Multifamily Construction, LLC, at Robinson Landing located in Alexandria, Virginia. The existing facility was constructed in the 1960s as an industrial loading/unloading facility and was being revitalized into luxury condominiums and outdoor recreational space. Collins began the project with a design-level waterfront and underwater inspection of 800 linear feet of steel sheet pile bulkhead and pile support pier, including gathering concrete core samples and rebar locating through GPR. The concrete cores were submitted to a subconsultant for strength testing. The design team prepared rehabilitation design/drawings to raise the existing bulkhead approximately five feet as well as initiate repairs to the pier deck, underdeck, and support beams.
Work was coordinated with the landscape architect to install a drainage system and granite pavers on the pier deck, raising the elevation to meet the proposed greenway along the bulkhead. Additional coordination was required with the vendors as a free-standing outdoor restaurant/bar was installed on the north end of the pier. Collins performed a load rating of the pier and construction engineering tasks that included miscellaneous construction details and construction management of the waterside construction. Periodic construction quality control inspections were performed to ensure that marine construction tasks were completed as per the construction documents.