Project Overview
Collins Engineers, Inc. (Collins) was the prime consultant on the Massachusetts Department of Transportation–Highway Division contract for statewide design and review services, which included the full replacement of Bridge No. H-14-009 (0HU) carrying Sadoga Road over Burrington Brook in Heath.
Design and review services were performed in accordance with MassDOT’s Project Development & Design Guide and LRFD Bridge Manual – 2013 Edition and included:
- Development of a functional design report, design exception report, and a bridge type selection worksheet (BTSW)
- In-depth full substructure evaluation and load capacity analysis
- Scour analysis protection and design
- Improvements to the roadway approaches
- Traffic management
- 25% through 100% highway submission which included conceptual contract time determination (CTD), bridge sketch plans, bridge submission plans, and PS&E submission which contained special provisions, cost estimate, quantities, and design calculations
- Utility investigation
- Attend the pre-construction meeting, review of shop drawing submissions, responding to contractor RFIs, and providing support services during construction
Efforts also included coordination with subconsultants and the department for the development of a geotechnical report, preliminary right-of-way plans and easements, environmental permitting, hydraulic report, and survey base plans. Collins presented the proposed bridge replacement to local officials and residents as part of a public outreach program, and a load rating report was required on the new structure as part of the project closeout.
Collins evaluated the bridge and its roadway approaches to determine whether each satisfied the appropriate current geometric, guardrail, safety, and traffic signage standards and guidelines, and special attention was given to the use of accelerated bridge construction (ABC) techniques to minimize construction duration and impact on local traffic.
The new structure, Bridge No. H-14-009 (BT6), consists of a 34-foot single span multi-unit precast reinforced concrete closed spandrel arch with gravel fill and gravel borrow riding surface. Decorative stone striation panels were incorporated into the precast spandrel walls to enhance the aesthetics of the bridge in the rural country setting.