Inspection and Installation of Ancillary Structure Base Plate and End Plate Connections
Collins Speaker Series
Failures of ancillary highway structures such as overhead sign structures, lighting, high mast light towers, and signal structures have resulted in inconvenience, injury, and death. Inspection and proper installation of base and mast arm connections is needed to limit such occurrences. This webinar will discuss connection behavior, inspection procedures, and common findings, emphasizing the need for proper installation. Requirements and techniques for anchor rod tightening will be presented including recent research results.
Michael Garlich has over 40 years of engineering design, instruction, and manual development experience throughout the country. He holds a BSCE and MSCE in Structures from Purdue University and is a Licensed Structural Engineer in Illinois. He has conducted and taught ancillary and bridge structure inspection courses for universities and the FHWA National Highway Institute. Mr Garlich was Principle Investigator and author for the FHWA manual, “Guidelines for the Installation, Inspection, Maintenance and Repair of Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaires and Traffic Signals” and Co-Principle Investigator for NCHRP 10-80, “New Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaires, and Traffic Signals.” He currently serves as a Senior Vice President at Collins Engineers, Inc.